climate change

Genesisclimate change
16 Apr

World Nations Agree to At Least Halve Shipping Emissions by 2050

UN Climate Change News, 14 April 2018 — Countries at the International Maritime Organization have taken a crucial step to limit the climate impact of global maritime transport. At a historic session in London of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), 173 Member States have adopted an initial strategy to reduce the carbon emissions of […]

10 Apr

Global Green Finance Index launched today, Western Europe outperforms other regions

Brussels, 14 March 2018 – The new Global Green Finance Index (GGFI) was launched today by Finance Watch and Z/Yen at an event in Brussels. The GGFI ranks the world’s financial centres according to perceptions of the quality and depth of their green finance offerings. In this inaugural edition (GGFI 1), financial centres in Western Europe outperformed […]

28 Mar

China Meets 2020 Carbon Target Three Years Ahead of Schedule

UN Climate Change News, 28 March 2018 – China reached its 2020 carbon emission target three years ahead of schedule with the help of the country’s carbon trading system according to Xie Zhenhua, China’s representative to UNFCCC negotiations. The development provides an important boost to the Paris Agreement on Climate Action, which has the central goal […]

09 Mar

Experts Establish Blueprint to Gauge Impact of Climate Change on Cities

UN Climate Change News, 9 March 2018 – Experts have established a global blueprint to better understand climate change, its impacts on cities, and the critical role local authorities play in solving this challenge. Cities are responsible for some 75% of global CO2 emissions, with transport and buildings being among the largest contributors. The research agenda […]

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